Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Best Wishes...
Wishing you all a Happy Healthy and Prosperous 2013!
To our followers, and to those of you who just stop by to visit...we appreciate your being here and invite you to come visit with us again!
Pleave a comment just to say hello...I would love hearing from you! Don't forget...You are always welcome at our house!
Peace and Happiness to You and Your Family,
From All Of Us!
Friday, December 21, 2012
From Miss Kitty-Kelly
Miss Kitty’s Greetings To You
“I Wishes You Much Peace, Happiness & Joy Throughout The Year”!
Best Wishes,
Miss Kitty, Mommy & Daddy
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Joyfully Yours...
Hope you are having a nice winter day. As I sit here writing this post, the day is full of sunshine, with calm winds. It is hard to believe it will soon change...and the weather here will become inclement.
My son called from PA to tell me the children's Mom will have to have emergency surgery...they'll have to postpone their visit for now! Her recoup time is uncertain.
James and I will spend this quiet time together with out pets. I'm looking forward to it!
In case you haven't visited our new blog, please stop by to have a look and become our follower...we would love having you with us.
This time together gives all of us much to be thankful for. So much has happened in the world today that has robbed us all of our JOY. However, being with family gives us love, peace of mind, feelings of giving and Joy!
May you all have Peace, Love, Happiness and are filled with Joy throughout The Year!
Best Wishes,
Loretta & James
Monday, December 17, 2012
The Way It Was...
The Way It Was…
Men working doing hard labor
Call me crazy, that doesn’t matter…truth be told, before man set things into motion, shaping the so called, “future of man”; the world was a better place to live! Frankly, nothing has ever been the same since! It was a slower, peaceful, safer world; no wars, or violence; certainly none of the horrific crimes we’ve witnessed in the news nowadays.
There weren’t any wars to take fathers and sons away from families. People didn’t have to lock their homes and possessions up like Fort Knox from intruders, because back then, people didn’t break into your home, nor steal from you; if anything neighbors tried to helped each other. Life was slower, simpler and cheaper to live…men worked hard to care for their families every day. Families helped each other.
Stay-at-home Moms meant something then…she didn’t have to hire someone to keep her kids, cook her meals, or clean her house, she did it herself, and raise their children; did all her housework, and then some! Why, it was nothing for Mom and her children to do yard work and tend the animals; work in the garden and can food for future use. Today, for this kind of physical work to be done by some women, there had better be gold being dug out of those rows instead of potatoes; because that’s the only way you’ll see this happening again!
Yeah, we knew how to use a garden hoe…and we knew how to raise a garden. Every family on my street, (Shallowhorn) back in the day, and all around us had gardens. We’d give each other greens, potatoes, squash, okra, whatever…we made do! I will never forget Mrs. Clara Bass our neighbor (now deceased.) Her garden was right behind ours and the two moms talked while working there and shared! That’s the way it was…we never went hungry, nor without!
Dads went to work for minimal wages, and ya’ll know that was $1.75 an hour or less. But, Dad held down that job because he knew he had a family to take care of. Of course, he didn’t have to pay nearly four dollars for a loaf of bread! But, somehow, his family didn’t go lacking…the Lord provided! Unlike men today when you hear, “I ain’t working nobody’s job for $6.25 an hour! And, you know what…they don’t, but they can certainly get around to robbing and stealing from others who did get out there and work! Scripture says in part: “If you don’t work you don’t eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10.)
Families were families then…you know, a Mom, a Dad and, the children, who all lived under one roof. It might not have been fancy, or big, but it was home and Mom kept it clean and neat! Yeah, it was hard and some had it harder, but we survived…we lived and we loved it! These are the hard working, calloused hands…older men and women you see today who know how to treat others, respect their elders; have good manners and are honest hearted; love their neighbors, live the golden rule…and love their God and Jesus! Yeah, because they were raised and not just left on their own…they had a chance to experience life…the way it was….
Article from: At Home with Loretta T. newspaper column.
Best Wishes,
Sunday, December 16, 2012
New Blog!
Announcing...She..."Spoke To Me"
This blog was created with my Texedo cat, Miss Kitty-Kelly. Can you imagine butting heads with a fiesty feline? Yeah, that's it...they do have a mind of their own, and are very independent. Since I never owned a cat, I have learned quickly; a host of how-to's...reading as many books as possible in order to properly take care of my baby.
Yes, can't you tell I have opened my heart and she has taken over. She was given to my husband and me after he came home from hospital having major heart surgery. What a little ball of joy and no one can tell us differently, Miss Kitty was a major part of his recovery! The rest is history.
She...'Spoke To Me" will follow Miss Kitty's daily routine, antics, smarty-pants mouth, etc. Of course, I will monitor her use of the computer making sure her post are not censored! Lol.
Please stop by and have a look around, leave a comment and join the site. We would love having you. We are still tweeking, however, don't let that stop you from coming in and browse. The link is here
As Always, thanks so much for visiting...and please know you are always welcome at our house!
Best Wishes,
This blog was created with my Texedo cat, Miss Kitty-Kelly. Can you imagine butting heads with a fiesty feline? Yeah, that's it...they do have a mind of their own, and are very independent. Since I never owned a cat, I have learned quickly; a host of how-to's...reading as many books as possible in order to properly take care of my baby.
Yes, can't you tell I have opened my heart and she has taken over. She was given to my husband and me after he came home from hospital having major heart surgery. What a little ball of joy and no one can tell us differently, Miss Kitty was a major part of his recovery! The rest is history.
She...'Spoke To Me" will follow Miss Kitty's daily routine, antics, smarty-pants mouth, etc. Of course, I will monitor her use of the computer making sure her post are not censored! Lol.
Please stop by and have a look around, leave a comment and join the site. We would love having you. We are still tweeking, however, don't let that stop you from coming in and browse. The link is here
As Always, thanks so much for visiting...and please know you are always welcome at our house!
Best Wishes,
Friday, December 14, 2012
Such A Tragedy
I'm sure by now you have heard the news about the horrific shooting today that took the precious lives of 20 children, plus the adults who lost their lives at this elementary school.
Oh My Lord...such a waste of innocent little lives! Why is a short word but demands answers. However, are there answers to this carnage? This was an act of war declared on these children!
This world is full of blind, unexplained hate, ignorance, injustice and sick people who think only of themselves reeking havoc on others' lives.
Pray for this school, the students, parents...community, but especially those who losss their precious babies! God Bless the Children!
Let's pray they will be able to process this mass destruction they have witnessed.
God Bless You All,
Oh My Lord...such a waste of innocent little lives! Why is a short word but demands answers. However, are there answers to this carnage? This was an act of war declared on these children!
This world is full of blind, unexplained hate, ignorance, injustice and sick people who think only of themselves reeking havoc on others' lives.
Pray for this school, the students, parents...community, but especially those who losss their precious babies! God Bless the Children!
Let's pray they will be able to process this mass destruction they have witnessed.
God Bless You All,
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Happy Tuesday Friends
It has been a cold morning and day! Good Evening to you all. How was your day? Our weather is starting to feel like winter. It will be down to 27 degrees tonight and only a high of 47 Wednesday. I'm certainly not complaining, in fact, we welcome this weather, because of our 100 to 105 temps during the summer...now that's hot, right?
I just wanted to let you know I am working on a new venture and will present it to you later. It is my hope that you enjoy it. I will not say too much for fear I will give it all away. So, I would like to ask you to stand by...don't abandon me and I'll reveal it all soon!
Miss Kitty, as I've mentioned, my Beautiful Tuxedo Cat, is snuggling in the folds of my comforter trying to keep warm, so I don't have any goodies to tell you about her tonight. Maybe she will show herself tomorrow...
I have enabled the comment section of the blog for you to comment, so please let me know you were here!
Wishing you a very pleasant evening with friends and family! Good-night!
All The Best,
Sunday, December 9, 2012
What a Beautiful Season
Hello Dear Friends,
We sure hope you are well! Have you had a simply wonderful week? As I sit here writing this post, I can't help but to enjoy the lovely view from my window. Leaves falling from the high winds, squirrels storing acorns; and the laughter of children playing in the park across the street. Aren't Sunday's the best?
The weather is too warm... however, it is expected to change tonight when rain comes and the temp drops to freezing. I look forward to this change.
Miss Kitty, my beautiful Tux, has been staring from the same window for a very long time. I smile when I see her head move down slowly following the leaves as they fall to the ground...it has to be fascinating for her to see! How can anything as small as this little fur-ball, bring so much joy and pleasure to one's life? Yes, she has and, I love each and every moment of it!
Well, it is time for me to take a break, but before I go, let me say... I love that you have stopped by to visit with us, and do... come again to spend a bit of time with us. You are always welcome at our house...say, you might even enjoy watching the leaves fall with Miss Kitty and me.
Best Wishes,
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Wishing You A Lovely...
Sunday Evening! Thank you so much for visiting us "At Our House"... It has been a while since posting, and I apologize for not being here. Please leave a comment when you stop by so I will know you were here.
Have you seen our other blog, At Home with Loretta? You can scroll down the right side of this page to the, "other sight" icon and simply click on it...it will take you there!
I am a bit busy because of the holiday and my obligations to the paper where I write my column so, I have taken time off from the blogs! However, I will be back as soon as possible. Thanks ever so much for stopping by and we wish you happiness and good cheer this season and throughout!
Warm Regards,
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Thursday's Funny Quotes
Hey, how's your day going? It is 106 here today, and feels like a whooping 114 degrees! Oh, how we are longing for the end of the week! We are expecting temps to go back down in the low 80's after a front comes through with rain.
Thanks for commenting on our last post...wasn't that awful? You live and you learn, huh? However, this was very shocking to me! If those people had asked, we would have given them a plate to take home, especially if they needed it that bad! Yeah, they were on the guest list. No bouncers, but there were some WOW guys there! LOL! Oh well...
Thought I'd share some more quotes with you...give you a good chuckle today. Grab a cup and...have at it; hoping it puts a smile on your face! Enjoy...
A little higher bud!
Ain't that the truth!
Hahahahaaa, I hear ya! I better stop now. Look at the pic above, they are really having fun, even the cat is laughing...a little too much...Nah, they wouldn't! You think?
Having Fun in LA...
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Meet Braylon Arthur
Is it as hot and humid where you are now? All the rain that we've had was good since that made it cooler, but the heat is on again!
We really took advantage of those cool day by porch sitting, and enjoying the sound of kids laughing and playing in the park across the street. Now, it it quiet there, but the birds are singing pretty.
This post is about a kid name Braylon...he's special because he is my baby sister's grandson...the first and only! Special because he came at a time when his nana needed him in her life.
You see, She was married to James' brother. Yes, we married brothers! Arthur died of the same heart condition that James had. Braylon's dad also has been diagnosed with this condition.
My sister, Arlette, really needed this little bright spot in her life during this hard time, to help her to cope with losing Arthur, her first love. She is reminded daily of Arthur, because little Braylon Arthur is the image of granddad!
This is Braylon's great grandma...my mom is 84 years old and is Braylon's sitter! Granny loves them all! This is little Darin she's holding there. Braylon calls her "Gan", and I will venture to say, he loves her just as much, or more. Can you say, wrapped around his little finger! Lol.
We all love this little guy and feels he's special too!

Talk about active...now that he is walking there are no boundaries! When I say just like his granddad, I mean in every way...it is scary!
He is ahead developmentally and ahead with cognitive skills. He is around 14 months here and as you can see, a big guy! He loves to walk up to you, especially men, and reach out to shake their hand. Ohh, I just know his granddad would have been soo proud of him!
Just as proud as his dad and especially his uncle James!
Thanks so much for stopping by! We sure hope you enjoyed meeting our little Braylon and we will be sure to have him come back to visit with you again!
Have a nice evening!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Just Can't Get Enough...
Hello everyone, Vonetta here today. I'm in for mom and dad today and I thought I'd post about those crazy and funny road signs that she loves so much. I know she said the last round was it, but they are so much fun, I just had too one more time! Okay, let's get started:
Has to be some huge mosquitoes, huh? Lol!
Funny dog sign
Road to nowhere
Can you believe signs like these are on the highways, scary!
Hope we put a smile on your face from reading them. Mom's are always better. Speaking of mom, she is resting and feeling better. She sends her love. Dad wasn't up to posting today, so he called me to help out. We want to wish you all a very nice evening and we'll see you soon.
Has to be some huge mosquitoes, huh? Lol!
Funny dog sign
Road to nowhere
Can you believe signs like these are on the highways, scary!
Hope we put a smile on your face from reading them. Mom's are always better. Speaking of mom, she is resting and feeling better. She sends her love. Dad wasn't up to posting today, so he called me to help out. We want to wish you all a very nice evening and we'll see you soon.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Those Funny Signs Again
Yes, I'm at it again...I love these signs and I know some of you like them too! They seem to put a smile on your face just when its needed, right? Join me as we view my funny signs once again...

What if this were true?
There are some folks' with a great sense of humor. I get these in my e-mail often. As far as I know...their source...from Bing! Hope you enjoyed them again!
Have a Pleasant evening...
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