Is it as hot and humid where you are now? All the rain that we've had was good since that made it cooler, but the heat is on again!
We really took advantage of those cool day by porch sitting, and enjoying the sound of kids laughing and playing in the park across the street. Now, it it quiet there, but the birds are singing pretty.
This post is about a kid name Braylon...he's special because he is my baby sister's grandson...the first and only! Special because he came at a time when his nana needed him in her life.
You see, She was married to James' brother. Yes, we married brothers! Arthur died of the same heart condition that James had. Braylon's dad also has been diagnosed with this condition.
My sister, Arlette, really needed this little bright spot in her life during this hard time, to help her to cope with losing Arthur, her first love. She is reminded daily of Arthur, because little Braylon Arthur is the image of granddad!
This is Braylon's great mom is 84 years old and is Braylon's sitter! Granny loves them all! This is little Darin she's holding there. Braylon calls her "Gan", and I will venture to say, he loves her just as much, or more. Can you say, wrapped around his little finger! Lol.
We all love this little guy and feels he's special too!

Talk about that he is walking there are no boundaries! When I say just like his granddad, I mean in every is scary!
He is ahead developmentally and ahead with cognitive skills. He is around 14 months here and as you can see, a big guy! He loves to walk up to you, especially men, and reach out to shake their hand. Ohh, I just know his granddad would have been soo proud of him!
Just as proud as his dad and especially his uncle James!
Thanks so much for stopping by! We sure hope you enjoyed meeting our little Braylon and we will be sure to have him come back to visit with you again!
Have a nice evening!